The Town Council financial year begins on the 1st April and finishes on the 31st March each year.
At each meeting the Councillors approve the payments to be made following the meeting and every other month Councillors will receive and approve a bank reconciliation.
All documents are provided in PDF format where possible. If you need a different format, or to request copies of older documents, please contact the Town Clerk.

The Council Tax Precept
The Town Council's major source of income is from an annual precept which is collected as part of Council Tax. Each November the Council reviews the actual receipts and cost for the current year and considers what is needed for the next year. Using these figures the Councillors discuss and agree a budget to arrive at the precept demand that goes to the billing authority, North Norfolk Council. The "precept" is converted into an amount per Council Tax Band that forms part of the Council Tax bill.
The Town Council can seek other funding such as grant and funding awards, but they do not receive funds direct from central government.