Community Archive Needs a Home
5 Aug 2021
We are a group of volunteers who have been dedicated for the last 20 years to building a digital archive of photographs and memories of Fakenham and its nearby villages. We also make presentations to local organisations and care homes and have worked closely with the Local History Society and Museum, also with the Town Council to create the Town Heritage Trail.
From September 2021 we will be resuming our monthly public sessions held in the Parish Church, where people can browse the complete archive, look through scrapbooks, watch a slideshow or bring in photos to be scanned into the archive.
Our big problem is that we need a permanent home! We need somewhere central to store our equipment – four laptops, a projector, screen, scanner, printer, booklets, scrapbooks and display boards – as these are currently kept in committee members’ homes. Our lack of a home limits our ability to help people explore the archive for their own research, neither do we have anywhere to train new committee members.
So we need somewhere in town, both to store our equipment and to use as an occasional office. Can you help? If so, please phone us on 01328 863377 or via the 'Contact Us' section of our website, www.fakenhamcommunityarchive.weebly.com