Public Information from Norfolk County Council
30 Sept 2022
Public Information
Norfolk County Council
Ref: HN/12/82/F01/Fakenham RB8/HT/CP
For immediate release
30 September 2022
Fakenham Restricted By-way 8 – route closure for surface improvements
Surface improvement work is due to take place along Fakenham Restricted By-way 8 (RB8), starting on 10 October 2022. The route will be closed on the north side of the River Wensum from Fakenham Golf Course up to the dismantled railway bridge.
Once work starts, it is expected to take up to six weeks to complete, weather permitting. It will be necessary for RB8 to be closed while work is underway.
The work will involve improving the condition of the surface. The result will be a safer and more accessible surface for people travelling along the route.
This will link into works within the river channel by the Internal Drainage Board to remove obstructions to the water course.
Unfortunately there is no diversion in place whilst the route is closed as there is not a safe alternative.
The County Council thanks people for their patience while this improvement work is carried out.
The work which will cost £26,000 will be carried out by Norfolk County Council’s Community and Environmental Services Department and their contractors.
For Further Information
Norfolk Trails, norfolktrails@norfolk.gov.uk, 0344 800 8020.
Up-to-date information about roadworks in Norfolk is available on the County Council website at www.norfolk.gov.uk/roadworks
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