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Skatepark Survey

Calling all skateboarders! Just over a decade ago the Fakenham Recreation Ground Charity worked with other community groups on the ‘Park Life’ project. They successfully raised funding for the regeneration of Millennium Park, which included the provision of the skateboarding ramp and BMX area. These sports have developed hugely in recent years and now feature in the Olympic Games. However, the existing equipment falls well short of current standards and the intention is to replace it with a modern, more sophisticated installation. Once again, external funding will need to be sought, so establishing the level of need will be crucial to finding a suitable funder.


This consultation is to reach out to prospective users to establish the need is there. Your participation in this survey will be a crucial element. What we need now are numbers of prospective users so that we can include comments into the bid and prove the need is there. Answering these questions will help enormously! Thank you in anticipation of your support.

We are interested to explore the potential for a new skatepark facility, and would like to hear your views.

Do you... (select all that apply to you)
Do you use the facilities in Millennium Park?
Please tell us your age

Thanks for sending us your comments. If you have given us your contact details we will be in touch soon.

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