About the Council
Fakenham Town Council is the first tier of local government, serving the town of Fakenham. You can contact us via telephone or email.
How we work
We represent the community, listening to residents and work with others to find solutions to issues in the town. We put forward the views of the community to other organisations, such as North Norfolk District Council and Norfolk County Council, The Police, the local MP… the list goes on!
We liaise with these organisations to improve services in Fakenham and make your opinions heard. We also provide and maintain recreation spaces and amenities for the town, manage the weekly market and oversee the Market Tolls Fund to support local organisations and groups.
Who does what?
As well as Councillors, the Council employs four staff across the administrative and maintenance teams, led by the Town Clerk Lesley Meanley. The Town Clerk is like a Chief Executive. As the Proper Officer of the Council, the Clerk is responsible for ensuring that the instructions of the Council are carried out. The Clerk also advises the Council on the formation of policies, ensures effective decision making and provides strategic direction.
The Deputy Town Clerk is Ann Kerrison, supported by Groundsmen Barry Wheller and Jamie Francis.
Meet the Mayor - Angela Glynn

The Town Council is led by the Town Mayor who is elected annually at the Annual Meeting of the Council. The Mayor wears a chain of office when carrying out official engagements. The chain is also worn on ceremonial occasions as part of the official dress.
The Mayor is keen to support all manner of local organisations and events. If you would like to invite the Mayor to an event or function, please email your invitation to: info@fakenhamtowncouncil.gov.uk