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Visiting Fakenham

 Below you will find a selection of some of the attractions in and around Fakenham with links to find out more.

Fakenham Lancaster Heritage Trail

Explore the rich and varied past of this fascinating town.

Did you know the name Fakenham Lancaster originated from 1377 when John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, was given the manor of Fakenham? Learn more about Fakenham's early and more recent history and the people who lived in this market town.

Fakenham Logo

Fakenham Museum of Gas and Local History

The Fakenham Museum of Gas and Local History is the only surviving town gasworks in England and Wales, complete with all equipment used for the manufacture of gas from coal: retorts, condenser, purifiers, meter and gasholder.

Fakenham Museum of Gas
Fakenham Market

Fakenham Thursday Market

Fakenham has been a market town since it received it's charter in 1250. The modern day Thursday market is still situated close to its original position.  The stalls now extend over two sites and is open from 8am to 2pm.  There are a number of traders offering a wide range of goods from food, flowers, clothing and fruit and veg to name but a few. It's well worth a visit.

Hawk and Owl Trust

Hawk and Owl Trust Sculthorpe Moor

In the beautiful Wensum Valley, the reserve is nationally and internationally recognised. With over a mile of curving boardwalk, the reserve has excellent access, leading visitors through the various habitats.

Sculthorpe Moor Community Nature Reserve is one of three reserves run by The Hawk and Owl Trust a national charity founded to conserve and protect wild birds of prey

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